Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, team employees alleged involvement in Skaggs death from an accidental drug overdose. Now, Martenson is warning that medical, financial and war troubles abound and people need to get ready to deal with a reality that no human has ever seen before. Before creating and producing the site, Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent. our budgets 10-50 ? Those two constitutions are different than the organic constitution. Oh, dont let me forget the other coincidence, that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. Former Federalist Society executive vice president Leonard Leo has said he endorses the network theory of the society, saying, Its less about who gets what job and more about building a community that can be self-perpetuating and self-sustaining and self-driving.[2] and what type of community might that be Leo? A few weeks into the 2018 season, Mortensen said he trusted Schefter enough to tell him that he felt like he was on the edge of a health cliff about to fall off. Unable to get out of bed, Mortensen wasnt sure whether he was experiencing a pulmonary embolism, which he had suffered in 2012. He appears on Sunday NFL Countdown, SportsCenter, ESPN Radio and other programs. Hundreds of Millions of Unemployed across the planet with the concurrent closing of Business and retardation of Industry. 7 talking about this. *Perhaps more embarrassing than a shot of a row of chest-painted bodies in the USC student section missing a G from a FIGHT ON! salute during Saturday nights game against Fresno State was the follow-up by ESPN analyst Rod Gilmore trying to show on his telestrator that the G should have gone between the H and T. ESPN later clarified the gaffe in the second half. Hi Stan, good question. I still think youre one of the good guys out there and I dont think you had any nefarious intentions here at all An alert and vigilant America, as here at In the UK they had to halt a vaccine phase 3 trial because a patient developed an unexplained spinal inflammation illness. I cant give up on everything American. I still cant get it out of my mind that Trump, and the two united political parties of the US passed that law [forgot the name and has soom number behind it] that takes our budget dark. If you follow the MO..startling and accurate claims were made from the outset to bring in the curious minds /supports (who would go on to parrot the concepts)only to then be shamed with inaccuracies and BIG misses..leading to ridicule for not only Q but also the patriots who chose to follow. The powers that be didnt have to know it was specifically important for the China virus. Are you saying Im okay now? We are supposed to be a Sovereign nation not a corporation. Evil Covid Lies & People Died Chris Martenson, Died Unexpectedly Propaganda, Russia is Winning, Biden Recession, War on Trump, Died Suddenly Continues, Brace for Long Recession, Abortion at Center of Evil Control Over USA Bo Polny, People are Dying from the CV19 Vax & Its Preventable Dr. Pierre Kory, CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Everything About to Blow Up as God Destroys Evil Bo Polny, Lies, Nuttery & Craziness Everywhere in America James Howard Kunstler, End of Days, Collapse & Calamity Steve Quayle, Medical, Financial, Political & War Disasters Getting Worse Dr. Chris Martenson. My bag was held together by tape, beans spilling out everywhere. I am shocked by what Ive been seeing., Martenson says severe economic damage has been done to the economy. Its coming.. Clif was able to determine that his suggestions were correct by late March as clinical data began emerging from European hospitals as test results from admitted patients suggested that only those with critically low levels of C & D in their blood stream were being admitted to hospitals. After that there was no excuse. Bob, His company does nothing but just front run the Fed and scoop billions of dollars. Donna, I agree! Bravo, you took the words right out of my mouth. I refuse to live in fear. I love Chris Martenson but I have to say in the BEGINNING he was stoking the Covid 19 flames and fanning the hype and hysteria on his website. If you are unsophisticated, you say we have to lock the whole country down. but they gave them toxic doses of Hydroxychloroquine and said look, this stuff actually makes people sicker and not better. I was a battalion flight surgeon in 7th Group when we were training these people on Ft Bragg in 97-99. usefull idiots. He totally understands that the medical establishment is based on greed, fraud, and malfeasance, but refuses to acknowledge it because he wants to remain a political. 1)people with more pigmentation in their skin than caucasians need 3.5 to 5 times as much sun
Sorry, well suffer threw it together. Not hard to work out is it mate? Thats unprecedented.
Its hard to fathom why without being a psychiatrist. Kirk Wiebe On: The Deep States Illegal Surveillance Operations I do but I also try to give fair analysis to President Trump. Under the Commander in Chief Clause, the President is authorized to detain all enemy combatants and unlawful belligerents, including U.S. citizens. I was flying back to Phoenix from Cartagena through Panama City airport. Butwhat is a major disease there? Chris Martenson - staff, team Becca Martenson Becca has been a part of the CM team from the very beginning, is deeply versed in the Crash Course material, and has been *If we agree theres a not-so-subtle difference between a broadcast thats high energy and one thats annoyingly loud, ESPNs Thursday night booth starting with UCLA-Cincinnati saw newcomer Pat McAfee aggressively push Adam Amin and Matt Hasselbeck far toward the latter. Remember everyone, the Perspectives on the Pandemic series came out in late March and early April. Friday, November 4, 2016 Keith Wilson, your post on 9/05/2020, (Kevin Shipp Interview) READ the book, The Prince of Providence, by Mike Stanton! We are often told the same lies and are not going to tell someone that they should not follow the guidelines set forth because we dont want to be responsible for them becoming sick. Chris Mortensen is an award-winning journalist and one of the most respected and accomplished reporters covering the National Football League today. Martenson wants to pretend their isnt much or any difference between the democrats and republicans. We want our Federal Bureau back, fay Wray! On the question of individual liberty: We are supposed to be a free people , under common law not law of the sea! He also knows very well that Fauci paid for the coronavirus research to be exported to Wuhan lab, and that Martensens alma matter, Duke University, as well as UNC Chapel Hill, participated in coronavirus research before it was banned in the US and exported. Who doesnt know that by now? Some produce only flu like symptoms while others that were developed by the Sars virus are designed to attack the respiratory system. Im great with this new level of working. One says he has no clue. than CA people, whose lifestyles are more outdoor involved. Martenson starts with the medical disaster called the CV19 vax and explains, As you give these (CV19 injections) to people,, their immune system gets worse and worse and worse. Youre not that mick Dundee guy from Australia, are ya? That excuse expired at the end of April. Why do you let this guy post? such as the importance of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, ivermectin and vitamin D). By Greg Hunters (Saturday Night Post) Dr. Chris Martenson is a futurist, economic researcher and holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University. People who are a little bit older and with co-morbidities, lets keep them safe, and everybody else can get on with their lives., Dr. Martenson says, We should open back up, and we can do it safely. Martenson says officials lied about the safety and effectiveness of treatments such as the combination of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), zinc and Azithromycin. Rothschild Central Bank will have no competition. You dropped the ball here! ____________We love you Rose and always will and we aint sorry!
New statistics out by the CDC say the overwhelming majority of people have less than a .5% chance of dying from the CV19 virus. Heres a link: WebChris Mortensen (born November 7, 1951) is an American journalist providing reports for ESPN 's Sunday NFL Countdown, Monday Night Countdown, SportsCenter, ESPN Radio, and . They dont show death charts so much anymore since they have zeroed. By the way Kevin Shipp posts his opinions and analysis with a verifiable name. The first time I read the psychological profile of an attorney it all made sense, the corruption of the judicial system, Congress yada yada. I know of doctors that were running trials where they were investigating HCQ, and they designed the trials to fail. My Wife, who was in NYC at the time for a conference, never showed any symptoms at all and she was around very sick people up there. A little off topic, Im looking at a comparison chart of GLD, PSLV, PPLT and XOM, from 09/16/2016 to now. Then again, not really, because I have observed this fellow and his stock-in-trade for well over a decade now. by Dr. Chris Martenson on Peak Prosperity: One such example is the fact that the lead author on the seminal vaccine paper in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), one Fernando Polack, MD, just happened to be the only investigator in charge of a site in Argentina that purportedly managed to recruit 4,501 patients in just three weeks! Pete, PPLT didnt follow the ascension of PSLV but it didnt go down with XOM either. Its a form of conditioning for what technocrats have planned next. Mr. Martensen will soon have to stop pretending that he doesnt see any of this, in order to remain neutral, and to remain in the good favor with the establishment. I think, it was in his book that Ferfal said, We fought over things we used to throw away. Yea,! Chris, give us your background and academic pedigrees. Its cheap and it works. They said I could have gotten it by touching the nozzle to fill my car with gas. . At first Duterte said he would shut them down in the Philippines. Mr. Martensen pretends one side is no better than the other. Money talks. Its just a damn pity that the world is run by the complete opposite and not people like Chris. Martenson is part of the problem not the solution. Hey, now theres a great idea ! It best suits his lifestyle and health requirements. He is now full on anti-vax, though he may disguise the fact with language full of qualifiers to cover his ass. As I said in my other comment, it is indeed a bunch of BS and the world has fallen for it hook line and sinker. Did you or your elected representative vote for that? I didnt see this on any international news feeds. Vaccinations. Was it before or after he said Covid is a real beast. Trump supporters shout fake news during CNNs live Supreme Court nomination coverage 24,887 views Sep 26, 2020 Yep, thats him. I was thinking that they had planted something and I was being set up. From energy shortages to climate instability, financial crises, supply chain disruptions, pandemics, war, an Click Here Peak Insiders banksters seem short-silver hesitant; vaccine is the mechanism 0 From energy shortages to climate instability, financial crises, supply chain disruptions, pandemics, war, an Click Here Peak Insiders banksters seem short-silver hesitant; vaccine is the mechanism 0 Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist who specializes in energy and resource depletion. They will take your children from you when the time comes. Im probably in better shape than I have been in a long time, said the soon-to-be 68-year-old ESPN NFL insider Sunday morning from Atlanta. You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. So I have come to the above conclusion. Here on the west coast prices for some lumber have risen as much as 60 % in three months due to fires and lack of supply. Chris Martenson is an economic researcher and futurist who specializes in energy and resource depletion. This is the new battlefield, and the Luciferian global puppets have seized upon it with the Pandemic to accomplish their goals. Of course there are that many every year in US, more now with riots. According to Martenson, large changes related to economic, energy, and environmental factors will occur in the near future (2015-2020).Martenson has been We have a Prime Minister in such poor financial health that he is being blackmailed or blackmail and bribe material. Cart 0. Check out comments section, hilarious! He is now full on anti-vax, though he may disguise the fact with language full of qualifiers to cover his ass. If you honestly believe that the Virus is a one-off event .and occurring in isolationmanufactured or otherwisethen you should not consider what else they may have planned. . In the same way the government rightly holds people accountable for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, it may rightly hold people accountable for their unwillingness to wear masks during a pandemic. Do you want to tell me, that every word I print is being monitored by an algorithm but yet somehow a major event like this can go undetected? I really think this guy is losing it Greg. Portland continues to burn and the govenor and mayor call it peacefull protestyes even throwing molotov cocktails at policego figure. In some cities you are subject to a fine for not wearing a mask. Eat well, drink well, think well, sleep well, love well and pray well. My bet is that he still is. As Biden tries to paint his face Black (after 80 years of continual neglect by Demon rat commie politicians) black Americans have finally found a true advocate with Trump who is really trying to help them!! The Fed is just rewarding skimmers and grifters. If their objective was to establish herd immunity, they failed miserably. /WHAT THE,@#$%^&*!/??? There is no virus. Wherever Law & Order, break down. Da covid is totally made up out of whole cloth just like hiv, h1n1, zika, ebola, bird flu, etc. I believe there is a way to bring this to an end. There is lots of totally free information and analysis on Is it a random coincidence the consequences of misguided COVID response and restrictions just happen to be *exactly* what Leftist, Socialist and Marxist leaders need to build their power? The problem with Martenson and his ilk is they are taking advantage of the righteous indignation many feel about Big Pharma--and most of his followers lack the scientific credentials to evaluate his claims. Its astounding what they knew then, and alarming how it was all ignored. WebAccording to Martenson, large changes related to economic, energy, and environmental factors will occur in the near future (2015-2020).Martenson has been predicting a stock market collapse each year since 2010 even though the market has soared higher. No wonder Fauci slapped down hydroxychloroquine which has a 92% success rate.. he was told to!! I prescribe that doctor some red pills so he can get a clue. Will Covid19 just disappear down the memory hole after the election? (Numerous high-level epidemiologists have said that.). Yes, Eddie, cutting our infant boys is male genital mutilation. I liked the behind-the-scenes angles too! BREAKING NEWS::::BREAKING::::: Stan The only thing that can explain it is that a parallel chain of command has been established by the Deep State that has Trump in handcuffs its a tough nut to crack unless we free Trump by voting out all the Demon Rats this November!!! Of your sore ass, Soros! VOTER FRAUDSTERS? Pushed Covid19 agenda big time, And now she wants hate speech laws. Lots of totally free Information and analysis on of whole cloth just like hiv, h1n1 zika! Over a decade now than CA people, whose lifestyles are more outdoor involved on! Topic, Im looking at a comparison chart of GLD, PSLV PPLT. For well over a decade now like chris and said look, this stuff actually makes sicker. The democrats and republicans Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent from 09/16/2016 now... Because i have observed this fellow and his stock-in-trade for well over a decade now with what happened to chris martenson! 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