Bullshit tolerance threshold


Like we all know life is not all rainbows and butterflies. There are going to be a lot of bullshit thrown on you daily which you have no control over. It could be your boss, teacher or your compatriot who is being a bitch. Not everything goes our way all the time.

Everyone has their own bullshit tolerance threshold (BTT) . BTT in simpler terms can be defined as the amount of bullshit one can tolerate over the period of time. It is basically like a spring which is compressed over a period of time and one day is just let lose. Everyone is gonna breakdown at one point of time. The level of destruction is what varies from person to person.

Some folks are patient and have very high BTT where as some are impatient and break down straight away. There is not much you can do about it. You surely  feel pity for them though.

So at the end of the day, you don’t wanna push someone till that level or want to come close to someone who is almost gonna exceed the threshold. Either ways you are going to be at the losing end.

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