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How to deal with difficult people ?


We all come across some twisted characters from day to day basis. Not every one you meet daily  is easy to deal with. I personally have a very hard time dealing with such people. Before we go any further with the discussion, I would like to define what exactly do I mean by ‘Difficult People’. Difficult people can be defined as people who just don’t understand you due to their sheer Self-Centerism or just stupidity. They are very difficult to negotiate with and can get on your nerves, really bad.

So how do we deal with such Mo-Fos ?

Avoidance : If you have another option, go for it. Try not to come in their way and keep them away from yours. Simple neat trick and works all the time. But some times its just not so easy.

Patience : Not every one has this in them and might take a while to cultivate. Always listen what they have to tell you, completely. Never ever interrupt them. Never ever scream back at them, no matter what they tell you. Try to talk as slow and lightly as possible. If its not worth the “talk” , don’t bother. Keep holding it, till you can.

Confrontation : Tell that Mo-Fo what problems you have with him. Don’t scream at him or abuse him. Talk lightly and have the talk. Talking lightly when he is screaming at you will just put him off but screaming back at him will just worsen the situation. Give reasons and evidence wherever possible.  It is very important to make your stand look rational and logical. You don’t want to give the ‘Difficult’ person much to argue with. Spend some time preparing it. Use pen and paper if you have to ( I personally prefer pencil though… ) . Talk when he has ample time, so he can’t run away some where.

God bless difficult people….


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New Start ?


After all my words of wisdom posts, today I am here to ramble a little. I didn’t post at all in the month of June due to my finals and then due to the sheer load of the website work that was pending.  I had no other option but to make as much as I could off the small 1 week vacation I had to catchup with all the work that was pending for a long time.

I wouldn’t say I completed it all but there was a little progress. Some progress is better than no progress. My To-do list is still 2 page long of a normal notebook with no spaces, so yes still lots of ground to cover. Many of the task are simple but very tedious and hence you tend to get annoyed very soon. But work is work, whatever pays the bills….

Lately, I have been coding. The last major thing I coded was a rapidshare premium link generator. The project didn’t really take off but I am still very proud of my creation. The last 2 days I have been coding for 14 hours a day.  I am working on this Ubercool scraper which tends to lighten my load from all this tedious tasks. Ok, what are scrapers ? Scrapers basically allow me to extract data of my choice from a set of webpages. It can be literally anything. I think, I have kind of got good at it. I’ll be posting detailed tutorials about coding bots on my Webmaster blog at Soulwebworks.

Its funny how you can keep doing something you like for so long without being tired. 14 hours straight is no joke ! Now this gets me to think WTF am I doing in aeronautical engineering ? Its funny how life turns out and how everything does not always go your way.

Second most important thing, my internships are starting from today. Its going to be really hectic and I am looking at 14 hour days for at least 6 weeks. . This clearly translates into lot of pending work. I really have to capitalize on the week ends. I don’t know if my internship will change my mind about the course and planes in whole. I have kinda decided to make websites for rest of my life.

Lets see how this goes.

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Out of the comfort zone ….


Every one has their own comfort zone. Basically a circle of things they are comfortable doing and type of problems they are comfortable facing or have faced before. The true metal of the person is determined when he is out of his comfort zone facing the unknown and tackling the fuck out of it.

Tackling the unknown is not as easy as it sounds. It requires patience and the drive to reach the end. Currently, it is semester end and the work load is just crazy. I have 3 exams and 1 presentation next week along with a 300 page assignment submission. This by no means is my comfort zone but Like we all know “You gotta do, what you gotta do ” .  As far as I know, I ll make it through. The question is will i sail through with flying colors or just drag my ass from start to the finish for the sake of it ?

Its all in the mind. I think i need to work on strict schedules, smaller sleep times and less leisure time. If i have any hopes of making it through. It has to be done and will be done. Somehow , any how !

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Bullshit tolerance threshold


Like we all know life is not all rainbows and butterflies. There are going to be a lot of bullshit thrown on you daily which you have no control over. It could be your boss, teacher or your compatriot who is being a bitch. Not everything goes our way all the time.

Everyone has their own bullshit tolerance threshold (BTT) . BTT in simpler terms can be defined as the amount of bullshit one can tolerate over the period of time. It is basically like a spring which is compressed over a period of time and one day is just let lose. Everyone is gonna breakdown at one point of time. The level of destruction is what varies from person to person.

Some folks are patient and have very high BTT where as some are impatient and break down straight away. There is not much you can do about it. You surely  feel pity for them though.

So at the end of the day, you don’t wanna push someone till that level or want to come close to someone who is almost gonna exceed the threshold. Either ways you are going to be at the losing end.

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Damage Control Mode


Somethings are always gonna go wrong, no matter how full proof your plan is. Its kind of funny to see how people deal with situations when everything is going wrong. Most of the people just crumble under the frustration and give up. This is usually followed by series of rounds of blaming others for why things went wrong. If nothing works, they’ll just resort to cursing their luck or life.

The interesting part is majority of people fail to go one step further and sit down and rationally solve the problem. I don’t get it how they fail to see that the situation is not gonna change if they keep cribbing about the problem. No one  can solve those problems better than you because noone knows the problem better than you do in the first place.

Problems are not usually solved instantly. Unfortunately, the problem solving process not only tricky but also very time consuming. Initially, the focus should not be merely on solving the problem but to reduce the current impacts of the problem until a effective solution is found. This is what I term damage control mode.  It does require a lot of patience and logical reasoning to be effective at it.

When everything is going wrong, I usually like to slow down the pace of everything around me. So i can catchup with what is going and take the required action.

Problems come and problems go. Its how you deal with them, that makes you who you are.

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