Dubai – City of gold ?
First thing first , gold is too expensive and no one can afford. My goldsmith friends have all been complaining , there is no sales due to real high price. Its not just the gold price that has changed in the recent past. The very foundations of dubai have been shaken.
Since the melt down in 2008 , people are leaving and going. The population is decreasing. Landlords were doubling the rent once upon a time and now they are bringing it down just in hope some one takes their apartment. All the buildings have the ‘To Let’ sign. ( What goes around , comes around , Bitches ! )
I really don’t blame the people that have left. The salaries are the same , cost of living is high and the best part they are getting almost the same amount back in India where the cost of living is a little less too. Why wouldn’t they swap ?
People who have stayed back are actually people who have been here for more than 10-20 years. They are not happy here either. Things can’t really go far when your expatriate or working population is not happy with the developments .
People who aren’t happy in Dubai must come to Kuwait and see the vast difference. They will run back to Dubai and live happily ever after. In Kuwait we talk talk talk… Steal… Talk somemore… And do nothing but make everything worst. Gosh… And all in debt and financially challenged. At least Dubai is trying to do something about the future… It’s all about trail and error. Here in Kwt it’s only about errors and making more errors. All I can say is I’m glad my apartment in Dubai is ready… Can’t wait