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Make it happen


Have you ever come up with an idea that you know will earn you a million dollars ? If no, you are useless. If yes, do you have what it takes to see the idea through?  Its a bit surprising that so many people think but very few actually implement what they have thought.

Something is holding them back. It could be laziness, peer pressure or may be the lack of time. I bet they have a thousand excuses. It is this excuses that make them lead an ordinary life. The life where the focus is on saving and not earning. The life where you have to think twice before buying something you like.

I am a firm believer that life is too short to live the conventional. You need to step outside your comfort zone every once a while and make things happen. Asses and evaluate your ideas. Believe in them, no matter how much criticism you receive. If you don’t believe in what you are doing, no one else will.

Pick an idea. Make a plan. See it through. Make it happen.

The Science Behind Money


Money always dazzled me. At a younger age it was more about things money could buy for me. In the late teens, I realized it there was more to money than earning and spending it. I also realized that the people who manage big money are paid big money. At the center of all major decision is money.

The flow of money decides what asset is in demand and will outperform it peers in a discreet time frame. The flow of money decides what a country ought to be. The flow of money decides your tax rates. Track where the money is heading and a lot of things will start to emerge and hazy details will start becoming clear.

The funny aspect is that a lot of emphasis is laid by the common man is on earning the money. I understand it is important. But to get it to work should be a major focus. If done right your money can make you much more than your work ever will. Manage your risks, make calculated decisions. Take control.

Learn about money. Learn how to make more money with your money. Learn how to not lose money. Learn about money systems. Learn about how money in one country affects the other country. Learn !


Back in the country


I am finally back in my comfort zone, back in Dubai. Not Dubai exactly, Sharjah. It feels kinda warm and less sticky. Its nice to be around things I am used to and comfortable with. I feel relaxed knowing that when I set out from point A to Point B, I will reach without surprised. I ll reach without some bike, cycle or car almost running me over. I ll reach without any cows in the way. I ll reach without having to constantly looking down to make sure I am not stepping on poop.

However it is, I am going to miss the place. Cheap food, extended family and lot of noise. Its a good place for a 2 week change, I am not sure if I would like to settle there. Its a little difficult to settle for something less when you’ve had the best you know. But at the end of the day, its my country.

I am still hopeful, someday it will be worth living in. Not today, not tomorrow but somewhere down the line. It will be a decent place to live in and that is when I’ll go back. I will go back.


Whats your Number?


They say “Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness”. I agree. But money does make it a lot more easier to be happy. Money allows you to do things that make you happy. It allows you to buy time that you can use to do things you like and be happy. So indirectly, Money can buy happiness.

When one starts out to work, they usually have a number in mind. The amount of money one needs to not work again. Its a big amount that ensures all of his and his family’s needs are covered for rest of the life. Some don’t have a number and keep working. Some are greedy and always want more.

Its a nice idea to have a number in mind. You at least know what you are working towards. You know if you are current job/business will take you there. You know you have to change jobs. It makes your financial life a lot more simpler and enlightened.

Thinking of it. My number would be close to 10 Million AED. This would ensure that I make enough money in annualized return to live a life of abundance back in UAE or any other country in the world. Whats your number ?


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#ban7days Over Exaggeration of a story


I recently read this article on 7days which talks about how an expatriate can ask a mosque to lower its volume. Its a very touchy subject. Muslims are very sensitive about stuff concerning their religion. This is a good thing. But this makes them very vulnerable to being offended.

The article discusses about one to approach the imam of the mosque and request him to be a little away from the mic while conducting his duty which would lower the volume a bit. If this doesn’t work, file an request with the government. Looking at it rationally, I don’t see anything wrong here. I don’t see how lowering the volume a bit would affect someone’s religion.

The expats in the article are not asking to mute the prayers but to lower it a bit. The whole article has received an over exaggerated response of twitter. I am of the strong opinion this is not a healthy conduct. Dubai is a multicultural country. Harmony can only exist if there is mutual understanding between expats of different community regarding their self and religion.

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