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I don’t understand the UAE Economy


UAE is the 7nth largest producer of Oil. We rank 17nth in term for GDP per capita. All this numbers suggest that people in Dubai have a lot of money. The local population comprises of 16.5% of the population, rest is expats.

The oil income goes to the government. This income is used for infrastructure. Majority of the big construction companies are owned by locals. Same with any other major industry. So basically the flow of money here is making Jobs for expats. This expats are keen to save and send the money to their country. They know sooner or later they have to settle there.

So a good part of the wealth is controlled by locals. Locals like to spend on luxury goods, the luxury goods store owner is again a local. As far as the needs of expats are concerned a lot of people are already doing it.

I am not sure what kind of business would thrive here. I am not sure if this is the rite business environment. I am not sure if this is the rite demographics.


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The easier it comes the less its appreciated.


With every passing year, the men and women on this planet tend to get more selfish and less grateful. One of the principle blocks to happiness is to appreciate what you have around you and be grateful for everything.Unfortunately, a lot of people are just too busy and full of themselves to notice it.

A Mercedes is appreciated all over the world because it doesn’t come easy. The bigger the price tag more its appreciated. That is a wrong mindset and a completely wrong state of mind. I am not saying, don’t buy expensive things. What I am saying is just because the thing is not too expensive doesn’t mean its of no good.

This is also applicable in our day to day lives. Just because you are available for them whenever they ask, your time goes unappreciated. They take you and your time for granted.  Dealing with such ungrateful fucks is always a pain.

Make it count. Be grateful for everything. Be grateful for things that came easy and the things you struggled for. There is nothing wrong in being humble.


The Indian Growth Story


I am an Indian but I have lived majority of my life in Dubai. To be honest, only thing Indian about me is my passport. This summer when I was in India, I realized how I took clean streets, even roads and silence for granted. Indian streets are chaotic, administrative system is corrupted deep down till the roots and no one accountable.

Even after so many negatives, the Indian Economy is doing what it is doing. Administrative bottle necks, corrupt decision makers, selfish mottos and wide spread opinion conflicts are hampering growth all around. Still we are posting some of the best economy numbers in the world.

I still look around in India and see there is so much that needs to be done infrastructure wise, product wise and marker wise. If someone manages to run the show in a decent manner India is gonna grow two times faster than it currently is.

I am optimistic things are gonna get better. Not today, Not tomorrow but some where down the line it is going to happen. My money is on the Indian consumption story for next 10 years for sure.

Building a business !


I looked at all my sites and wondered which of these had a potential to get me very rich. I was looking for a site, I could build a business around. I came across 2-3 projects which had a potential.

The first thing I knew, I was not gonna do this alone. I was gonna get a team together. People who could do what I couldn’t do well. This is where I went wrong majority of  the time. Tackling issues beyond my reach alone. Fighting alone is nice but I could never make it happen.

This time things are different and I’ll be taking on a lot of projects as joint efforts with different set of people. These are people I know and have good work ethics. Lets see How it works out. I’ll keep you all updated.



When the going gets tough, the tough get going. How tough are you? Do you have what it takes to keep going when life is throwing shit at you from all directions? Its not easy. I never was, it never is. It takes motivations.

Some people have mentor who motivate them through the tough patch. Some people are self motivated. They have what it takes to stand up after being beaten up bad. These are gem of a people. Not everyone can handle failure well and stand up again to do what needs to be done.

The power of motivation is paramount. A motivated person will achieve and attain way more than a unmotivated fellow. Everyone’s motivation mechanism is wired differently. What gets me going might not work for you?

Its up to you to find out what works for you and gets you going. Do what you gotta do , to be who you ought to be 🙂


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