New 30 days Challenge : Logs & The Usual Rant


I recently started my internship at this ‘X’ firm. The abundance of time reduced drastically. Last few days have been pretty much come home and crash. Time is of the essence and limited. Things need to get done and they need to be done faster and systematically. All those objectives which I set up for the new years are pretty much on standby.

Keeping in mind, I want to retire at 35 shit needs to get done today. I really can’t afford to wait till tomorrow. Processes need to get efficient and systems need to be formulated which can further be scaled and optimized. I can’t afford to be lazy and procrastinate.

Since the new year, I have blown a hell lot of money. I don’t know a exact number but I do know this needs to be stopped. The problem with being stingy about your money is that it sometimes interferes with your social life. Its a very delicate balance.

But the whole point is everything needs to be accounted for and the final result needs to be in line with my long term objectives. If it doesn’t, things need to be tweaked till it does.

Targets needs to be set. Work lists need to be made. Important stuff needs to be prioritized. Everything needs to go on together in harmony.

The new thirty day challenge is as follows:

  • I am going to keep track of my daily spends. (Daily Basis)
  • I am going to keep track of what I eat and how much. (Daily Basis)

I am also gonna go ahead and come up with a list of task that needs to be done every week in advance. I have had a hard time focusing on my sites. I have literally not done anything since I started working. I am guilty and I am going to change it.

I am also considering starting a new blog about my efforts to retire at the age of 35. I am sure it will serve as a good reference for others. If all goes to plan, I’ll do it. I want the blog to serve as a record that it can be don. This needs a bit more of thought but i’ll eventually come to it. I’ll end this with a quote:

Be Fearless, Stop Blaming, Take Control and Make it Happen ! – Me


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