Staying Focussed !


One of the thing i have been truly struggling is with getting my focus right. I tend to get distracted easily and have very short attention span for some apparent reason. This leads to some serious loss in productivity. .

I have midterms starting from next week and I just realized I have tons to finish off. The best and the most horrifying part is I am not panicking. When I panic i tend to finish off the stuffs i am out to do. But hopefully , I ll do good.

Second , I tend to get a lot of free time which i tend to not make use of. I could do a lot of my website stuff in the free time i get in college and every evening after coming back. Just if i could get my ass to work rather than logging into msn and catching up with old buddies. I could have been rich 🙁

Lets just say , life is beautiful and some day i’ll make it happen.

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