Vaasta : The Cheat Code


If you’ve been in the country for long enough, you’ve probably come across the word Vaasta. It basically means you have a connection with the inside and your work will be done above the system. You will be allowed to jump ques and formalities.

I have seen people pass driving test in the first try and without the first try also. I have seen people get away with really serious crimes because they have ‘Vaasta’ with the sheik family. If you are close with the right people, trust me things can be done in a jiffy.

Usually Vaasta works well on tier 1. When you try to use your Vaasta for your friends, it usually doesn’t turn out well. It might also fuck up your impression with the person. So be wise on where to use what and for whom.

How to make Vaasta? Now this is a tricky question. As an expat it is not easy. The usual source of Vaasta is the Local Sponsor for your business. More affluent your sponsor is, more favors he can pull in for you. So don’t be surprised when you see big firms having sheik family connections. Its pretty normal.

So the point here is. Vaasta is important and don’t mess with people having Vaasta. Can get you into shit !

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